A Virtual Mixing Assistant so good, it’s like magic.

PPG MagicBox™, Smart Device

PPG MagicBox is a revolutionary device that acts as a virtual assistant to paint technicians. The smart device senses the environmental conditions of the shop and receives formulas directly from PPG Linq™ Color Software. MagicBox eliminates the need for specialized equipment in the mixing room providing productivity and sustainability improvements to the collision center.


  • Constructed from durable materials designed to withstand industrial environments

  • Monitors environmental conditions in body shops

  • Wireless connection to scales via a web-based solution

  • Integrates seamlessly with PPG LINQ™ digital ecosystem tools

A PPG Magicbox sits upright showing its sleek and compact design


  • Streamlined processes: Upgrade basic scales to the next generation with the PPG MagicBox wireless device. Send jobs directly to the scale through PPG MagicBox, integrated with PPG LINQ™ Color software, for a quicker mix without needing a large PC.

  • Intelligent mixing rooms: Equipped with sensors, PPG MagicBox automatically monitors the environmental conditions in the mixing room, detecting humidity, temperature, and pressure.

  • Enhanced safety: PPG MagicBox is built to industrial standards, offering explosion-proof protection for a safer work environment for painters.

  • Space-saving design: Despite its compact size, PPG MagicBox is made from durable, resilient materials to withstand industrial settings. It reduces clutter and minimizes wires on the workstation, providing more room on the mixing table and making it an ideal assistant for any body shop.

Interested in seeing more of the Linq™ Digital Ecosystem?

A paint  technician takes a reading of a vehicle with a PPG Digimatch while another paint technician grabs paint from the PPG MoonWalk