Join the PPG LINQ™ revolution today.
PPG LINQ™ Digital Ecosystem
ColorVision offers this cloud-based digital color software enhancing the process of selecting the correct color for repairs. It supports mixing through various connected, wireless dispensing solutions, including the PPG MagicBox™ and PPG MoonWalk™.
Compatible with existing scales and spectrophotometers
Cloud-based software means there is no download or installation required
Automatically updated with live information
Accessible from any wireless device.
Save time with the platforms rapid search and easy-to-use interface.
Wireless connectivity with other Linq™ ecosystem technology.
PPG DigiMatch™ Color Matching Tool
Our team is proud to offer the best color matching tool on the market, the PPG DigiMatch, spectrophotometer, combines a compact, lightweight design with powerful capabilities. Utilizing 6 imaging angles with 6 reflectance angles, the camera reads color exceptionally well yielding high ranking results.
Lightweight, compact design
Docking station designed to hold calibration tiles and keep the device dust-free.
Ability to connect via WiFi or USB cable, allowing for mobile mix opportunities
Integrated with PAINTMANAGER®XI or LINQ™ Color
Seamless workflow with PPG VisualizID™ integration.
Powerful performance with reading results under 30 seconds.
Learn more about the PPG Digimatch
PPG VisualizID™ Color Visualization Technology
PPG VisualizID is a revolutionary color visualization technology allowing you to compare your reading to PPG’s extensive color match library.
3D rendering allows for virtual blend and edge views
View your match in several shape and light sources allowing the perfect match
No spray out card required saving you in labor and material spend.
Easy to use design with no additional hardware required.
Learn More about PPG VisualizID
PPG MagicBox™ Smart Device
PPG MagicBox, smart device replaces the need for specialized computers in the mixing room by serving as a virtual shop assistance connecting new and existing USB scales, while providing real time product recommendations based upon the changing environmental conditions of the shop.
Resistant, explosion-proof, design compatible with industrial environments
Connects with PPG Linq™ ecosystem for optimal workflow
Connects to scale wirelessly
Provides environmental conditions of the shop to recommend best products based upon humidity, temperature, and pressure
Learn more about PPG MagicBox
PPG MoonWalk® Automated Mixing Machine
The PPG MoonWalk , automated mixing system, is the first of its kind in the industry. This new technology, now found in collision centers across the world, replaces the manual mixing process. With material savings in mind, the MoonWalk‘s design for toner placement ensures that less than 1% of product remains in the bottle at time of disposal.
The machine, compatible with Envirobase® High Performance coatings, is a leap forward in labor and material savings to collision centers.
Self contained solution that keeps the mixing area clear and clean of excess products and mess.
Integrated label printer
Exclusive pumping groups with recirculating process
Ultra-precision scale for an error-proof solution
Fully integrated with the PPG digital ecosystem
Learn More about PPG MoonWalk
PPG Collision Services Inventory Management
PPG Collision Services is an all-in-one inventory management software tailored for the collision repair industry, designed to optimize processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. It integrates with PAINTMANAGER® XI and MOONWALK®, providing a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of body shop inventory.
Track your inventory levels, reorder stock, manage vendors, and more
Reordering system based on automatic order points
In-depth anayltics and reporting to help collision centers make live data-driven decisions
Cloud-based platform creates ease in accessibility
Compatible with PPG Inventory App, making ordering and managing stock easier