Ennis Flint® PPG Traffic Solutions

Our team is proud to offer solutions for those in the paving industry. Our line of Ennis Flint® by PPG products provides exceptional durability for tougher environments.

The Ennis Flint by PPG logo showcases the Traffic Paint coatings


  • We provide ENNIS-FLINT® by PPG Products for non-government pavement applicators. If you are in need of coatings for striping paint, we are here to help.

    • ADA Compliance Parking

    • Direction Markings

    • EV Parking

    • Parking lot crosswalks

    • Curb Painting

    • Parking Stalls

    • Safety Zones

  • Waterborne:

    Standard dry, fast dry, high build, extended season, formulated for use in temperatures as low as 35°F to as high as 120°F.

    Fast Dry Color Offering: White, Yellow, Black, Red, Blue, and Green.

    High Build Color Offering: White and Yellow


    Our solvent based coatings are classified as High/Low VOC and are suitable for colder climates where waterborne cannot be used.

    Color Offering: White, Yellow, Black, Red, Blue, and Green.

Two five gallon pails of yellow and blue Ennis Flint by PPG Traffic Paint sit next to eachother