The Refinish Revolution is here.

PPG MoonWalk®, Automated Mixing System

This high-precision mixing system is designed to keep your collision center running at peak performance by reducing labor and material costs.

While increased productivity is one of benefits, so too is employee satisfaction. Paint Technicians enjoy the clean and modern environment that the autonomous mixing system provides the shop. Now in all 50 U.S. States, the MoonWalk has transformed collision repair as we know it.

The User Interface on the PPG MoonWalk allows for ease of use and time savings
The display screen of a Sartorious Scale is illuminated inside a PPG MoonWalk
Envirobase High Performance Coatings Toners are suspended upside down to reduce paint and material costs
Sartorious mixing scale moves across the MoonWalk as toners are dispensed into the mixing cup


  • Self-contained solution for any sized mixing room

  • Error proof bottle scanning system

  • Semi-automatic dispenser with dedicated pumping groups

  • Ultra precise moving scale

  • Fully integrated with the PPG LINQ™ digital ecosystem

  • Smart on board software


  • Increase sustainability - Minimize product waste, reduce VOC emissions, and maintain a cleaner, more hygienic workspace for technicians.

  • Maximize accuracy - Benefit from improved paint quality and consistency thanks to the PPG MoonWalk systems high accuracy scale and ultra-precise mixing capability.

  • Improve productivity - Reduce labor time, minimize human error, and achieve greater productivity with the PPG MoonWalk solution and other tools from the PPG LINQ digital ecosystem.

  • Boost profitability - All the benefits of the PPG MoonWalk automated paint mixing system add up to the potential for a significant boost to body shop profitability.

  • Certified Technical Support - ColorVision has several MoonWalk Certified Technical Representatives to support your collision center from installation to technical questions.

Learn about the latest shop to join the Revolution.

PPG MoonWalk Autonomous Paint Mixing Machine provides a clean work environment